An old passageway that was born as an artistic center, but ended up in a state of abandonment for many years. We’re talking about the Prestes Maia Gallery, which provides an underground link between Praça do Patriarca and Vale do Anhangabaú. Inaugurated in 1940, its three floors were covered with 6,000 square meters of marble and received works by imposing artists such as Victor Brecheret.
Despite being born as an artistic center, the place ended up going through a process of degradation and abandonment that overshadowed its purpose. However, after renovations in 2024, it will once again welcome visitors who want to get a closer look at this formercultural space in São Paulo. Check it out!
Prestes Maia Gallery: SP’s former cultural hotspot
In its early days, the gallery was a cultural hotspot in São Paulo. Its luxurious finish is one of the greatest examples of art deco in São Paulo, and its inauguration was attended by artists such as Anita Malfatti.
In the 1970s, however, the Historic Center suffered a process of degradation, and the Prestes Maia Gallery was no different. The site used to house public agencies and also a center for people with AIDS, which were closed in 2000 and 1995, respectively.
From 2000 until 2008, an agreement with Masp transformed the passage into the “Masp-Centro”. The venue hosted some temporary exhibitions and even events such as São Paulo Fashion Week.
Why visit the Gallery?
Since the renovation of the Anhangabaú Valley in 2021, the space has received more attention from São Paulo residents. It is policed by the Municipal Guard and is still home to works of art, such as Victor Brecheret’s “Graça I” and “Graça II” and a bronze replica of Michelangelo’s sculpture “Moisés”, made by the Liceu de Artes e Ofícios.
So if you want to check out some artwork for yourself, why not stop by the Galeria? Although it’s not as popular as it used to be, it still holds treasures of Brazilian art (as well as beautiful architecture!), right in the heart of the capital.