If you’ve ever dreamed of getting up close and personal with the historical items that make up the great operatic and dance performances, your moment has come! The Municipal Theater has opened its doors to visitors. The pieces are on display at the Chico Giacchieri Technical Production Center. The place used to be responsible only for creating the pieces, but now it also has the role of exhibiting them to the public.
The best thing about it is that it ‘s free to visit. So all you have to do is plan ahead, secure your reservation and get to know the art surrounding the costumes and sets that make up São Paulo’s art exhibitions. Enjoy!
Discover the Municipal Theater’s collection:
The collection consists of a multitude of items, such as historical scenic objects dating back more than 50 years, documents, stage plans, images and opera booklets. In this way, the public is completely immersed in the backstage of productions Municipal Theater. Check out some of the items on display:
- 1950’s Ballet of the Fourth Centenary, designed by Di Cavalcanti, Burle Marx and Lasar Segall;
- Costumes from 8 shows in the 1951 operatic season
- Components of two operas: “Maria de Buenos Aires”, by Astor Piazzolla, and “Café”, by Mário de Andrade.
In addition, the space houses the exhibition “Carmen, An Insurrection”, with pieces from the production of Frenchman Georges Bizet.
How to visit the Chico Giacchieri Technical Production Center?
In this free activity, there are two types of visit available to the public:
- Appointment: Thursday at 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. Book in advance by e-mailing educacao@theatromunicipal.org.br;
- Spontaneous: Wednesday and Friday at 10am or 2pm. Visiting groups can accommodate up to 20 people per time slot.
A Chico Giacchieri Technical Production Center is located at North Zone of São Paulo, at Rua Paschoal Ranieri, 75 – Canindé, next to the Armenia Metro Station. Don’t miss the chance to see the items that were part of Brazil’s great artistic performances!