The world is about to witness yet another phenomenon of the cosmos, and São Paulo would not be left out. Astronomical sources predict the planetary alignment in August, an unmissable event that can be seen with the naked eye in several cities around the world.
Here in São Paulo, the phenomenon is scheduled to appear in the sky on August 30. On this occasion, six planets will be aligned: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. Certainly a unique opportunity!
Learn how to observe the planetary alignment
Sometimes the planets coincide in their paths and come together close to one side of the Sun, or appear to be close to each other when seen from Earth. This phenomenon gives the impression that they are aligned in the sky.
The next one will begin on August 23, passing through the skies of Asia, Europe and North America, until it becomes visible in São Paulo on August 30:
- Hong Kong and Abu Dhabi: 23/08
- Athens and New York: 24/08
- Berlin and London: 26/08
- Mexico City: 28/08
- São Paulo: 30/08
Astronomical event starts at 7pm
According to the website Stellarium saturn is expected to appear first in the sky at around 7pm. Jupiter will appear in the early hours of the morning of the 30th to the 31st, at 1am, followed by Mars at 2am. Mercury, on the other hand, will appear around dawn, at 5.30am, and will be harder to spot with the naked eye as it will be very close to the Sun.
Meanwhile, Neptune and Uranus will only be visible through high-powered binoculars or telescopes.
It’s important to remember that tall buildings or hills can get in the way of seeing the stars. To help you identify the stars, you can use a free stargazing app, such as Sky Tonight or the app itself Stellarum.