How about visiting an amusement park? But don’t worry, we’re not talking about the theme parks in the São Paulo metropolitan region, we’re talking about the new exhibition that’s being shown in São Paulo, featuring works by Nelson Leirner.
The show is the first after the artist’s death and provides an overview of his last 20 years. More than 70 works, including sculptures, paintings and collages, offer humorous and provocative criticism of complex themes such as mass culture and the trivialization of consumption.
So if you’re looking for a cultural outing without spending too much on vacation, you already know where to go. After all, the exhibition is free and open to all ages. Check out the details below!
What to expect from “Nelson Leirner: Parque de Diversões”?
Curated by Agnaldo Farias, the exhibition brings together 74 works by Leirner that convey the artist’s bold and experimental stance. Born in 1932 into an artistic family, he composed works that criticized the art system and mixed the popular with the erudite in an ironic and contestatory way.
Among his works is “Quadro a quadro – cem Monas” (2012, cover photo). Through one hundred aligned and modified reproductions of the Mona Lisa, the artist offers an amusing critique of the trivialization of art symbols by mass culture.
“Missa Móvel Dupla” (Double Mobile Mass) (2007) features two mobile platforms that bring together icons from various religions and symbols of consumerism, such as cartoon characters, with the aim of questioning the sacralization of objects.
Finally, “Nelson Leirner: Parque de Diversões” features sculptures, paintings, photographs and collages that show the provocative side of the artist, who challenged the hegemonic system of the arts through ironic and political works.
How to visit?
“Nelson Leirner: Parque de Diversões” is on display until February 23 at Caixa Cultural (Praça da Sé, 111 – Centro). You can visit it from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9am to 6pm. Admission is free and there is access for people with disabilities.