We recently published an article on our website about the controversial ranking that voted São Paulo the ugliest city in Brazil. According to the evaluators, one of the reasons for this was the “large number of skyscrapers“. But the truth is that, despite the nickname “stone jungle”, nature still endures in the capital. And to prove it, here are some examples of wooded neighborhoods in SP for those who want to live near green areas.
According to a study carried out by the city government in 2023, the capital of São Paulo has more than 50% green areas in its territory, most of which are at the extremes of the city. Check out the details below!
Which are the most wooded neighborhoods in São Paulo?
The most wooded region in São Paulo is Palheiros, in the far south of the capital, with 91% coverage. After all, much of its territory is covered by environmental reserves of the Atlantic Forest, such as the Curucutu Nucleus of the Serra do Mar State Park.
But other regions with the highest percentage of green areas are also at the extremes of the capital. Check them out:
- Parelheiros (south);
- Perus (northwest);
- Jaçanã/Tremembé (north);
- Capela do Socorro (south);
- Pirituba/Jaraguá (north)
In other words, if you prefer to live close to nature, it ‘s best to avoid the center!
Green areas are increasing over the years
In addition to showing the most wooded neighborhoods in São Paulo, the city’s study highlights an increase in green areas in the capital. This is because the latest survey, from 2023, shows that 54.13% of the capital is green. In 2021, the figure was 52.58%.
However, it is important to note that the study was carried out using satellite images that indicate the level of vegetation in the region. So this increase could be due to more gardens or green roofs on buildings, and not necessarily more trees or forests.