Many people don’t know, but there are 106 libraries in São Paulo, part of the <shortcode data-tag=”trackLink” 0=”” href=”″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” 1=”” 2=”” 3=”” 4=”” 5=”/>1197</a>”” force_follow=”true”>Sistema Municipal de Bibliotecas. In these spaces, people can read, research, borrow books and enjoy a wide range of cultural activities.
In addition, the <shortcode data-tag=”trackLink” 0=”” href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” 1=”” 2=”” 3=”/>consultaSerieHistorica</a>”” force_follow=”true”>stategovernment is also responsible for other collections. In other words, the number of public libraries in the capital is well over a hundred. Get to know some of them below!
<shortcode data-tag=”trackLink” 0=”” href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” 1=”” 2=”” 3=”” 4=”/>de-andrade</a>””>Biblioteca Mário de Andrade
Founded in 1925 as the Municipal Library of São Paulo, the Mário de Andrade Library is the largest public library in the city and the second largest public library in the country, surpassed only by the National Library.
And the name of one of the greatest names in literary modernism is no coincidence. That’s because Mário de Andrade was the first director of the São Paulo Department of Culture (the future Municipal Department of Culture). Thus, the name of the library is a tribute to the thoughts of the writer and his wishes for the city, including the creation of the city’s first public library.
Where: Rua da Consolação, 94 – República
São Paulo Library
Inaugurated in February 2010, the Biblioteca de São Paulo (BSP) is located at Parque da Juventude, on the site of the former detention center known as Carandiru.
According to the <shortcode data-tag=”trackLink” 0=”” href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” 1=”” 2=”/>a-biblioteca/</a>”” force_follow=”true”>government of São Paulowas designed to be a bold, multimedia space with total accessibility, with an innovative project for social inclusion through reading.
Where: Avenida Cruzeiro do Sul, 2630 – Santana
Villa-Lobos Park Library
In addition to books, Biblioteca Parque Villa-Lobos is known for being a leisure space for families. After all, located inside the park of the same name, it was inaugurated in 2015 with the intention of revitalizing the urban space.
Numerous free activities take place there,such as storytelling, soirees, workshops, musical performances, meetings with writers and much more.
Where: Avenida Queiroz Filho, 1205 – Alto de Pinheiros
Monteiro Lobato Children’s Library
The Biblioteca Infantojuvenil Monteiro Lobato (Monteiro Lobato Children’s Library) brings together a significant collection of Brazilian children’s and young people’s literature, a bibliographic collection and a museum about Monteiro Lobato. It also has a database of theater texts and maintains the Monteiro Lobato Children’s Theater – Timol.
Where: Rua General Jardim, 485 – Vila Buarque
Affonso Taunay Library
The Biblioteca Affonso Taunay is located right in the center of SP, in the heart of the Mooca district. With a focus on Humanities, its collection includes more than thirty thousand copies of books, encyclopedias, newspapers and multimedia files.
Where: Rua Taquari, 549 – Mooca
Alceu Amoroso Lima Library
Next, the tip is especially for poetry lovers. Since 2006, Biblioteca Alceu Amoroso Lima has focused on this genre, bringing classics of Brazilian and world poetry.
Where: Rua Henrique Schaumann, 777 – Pinheiros
São Paulo Cultural Center Libraries
The three libraries of <shortcode data-tag=”trackLink” 0=”” href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” 1=”” 2=”” 3=”/>cultural-sao-paulo-ccsp/</a>””>Centro Cultural São Paulo are home to one of the most significant bibliographic heritage sites in the country. Occupying a space of over nine thousand square meters, it is the second largest in the capital.
Sérgio Milliet Library
Works in the areas of Latin American literature, philosophy, religion, social sciences and history stand out. It has sections specializing in the arts, a newspaper library, audiovisual resources and a bank of plays.
Braille Library
Designed and equipped to cater for the visually impaired, its collection includes textbooks, technical books, literature, children’s books and periodicals in Braille and audio. The library also acts as a publisher, producing Braille books and talking books. It has computers adapted for visually impaired people to access the internet.
Gibiteca Henfil
Created in 1991 at the Viriato Correa Library, it gained a new space in 1999 with its reopening at the CCSP. His collection includes more than 8,000 comic books, fanzines, periodicals and books on comic strips.
Where: Rua Vergueiro 1000 – Paraíso