You already know that São Paulo offers several libraries to encourage people to read. But the city also offers books for free! So there’s no excuse not to get into the habit of reading.
How to get free books in SP?
The Municipal Historical Archive of São Paulo has a collection of more than 30 volumes on the history of the capital’s neighborhoods. You can read them in PDF format by clicking here.
But it’ s also possible to get physical copies, just go to the building, located at Praça Coronel Fernando Prestes, 152 – Bom Retiro, and ask for yours. It is open from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm, and on Saturdays from 10am to 4pm. The best thing is that the Archive is close to Tiradentes Station on Line 1-Azul of the Metro.
XXVI Competition for Monographs on São Paulo Neighborhoods
These works are the result of an action that has been going on since the 1960s. So, as well as picking up some books from the Historical Archive, if you have a work about a neighborhood in São Paulo, you can compete in the XXVI Monograph Cont est.
This year, the three best studies will win cash prizes, R$4,000 for each winner, and they will also have their monograph published by the Municipal Historical Archive itself.
The deadline for entries is November 8th and you can apply by clicking here. But don’t forget: the theme is ‘History of São Paulo’s neighborhoods’ and it’s important to check which of them have already been published, check out the list:
- Santana
- Nossa Senhora do Ó
- Pirituba
- Ibirapuera
- Moema
- Santo Amaro
- Vila Mariana
- Vila Clementino
- Missionary Village
- Itaim Paulista
- Itaquera
- Penha
- São Miguel Paulista
- Vila Formosa
- Barra Funda
- Lapa
- Perdizes
- Pinheiros
- Vila Madalena
- Aclimação
- Bela Vista
- Bom Retiro
- Brás
- Consolation
- Higienópolis
- Liberdade
- Luz
- Santa Cecília
- Santa Ifigênia
- Sé