The exhibition ‘The Nature of Things’, a retrospective of Carlito Carvalhosa‘s work, is coming to São Paulo. Born in São Paulo, the artist worked mainly with painting and sculpture, and was the only Brazilian artist to exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA) during his lifetime.
The aim of the exhibition is to highlight Carvalhosa’s impact on the contemporary Brazilian art scene, as well as to provide an overview of his creative career for the public in the capital.
‘The Nature of Things’ will open its doors on October 8 and will be available until February 9, 2025 at Sesc Pompeia (Rua Clélia, 93). The exhibition is free for all ages, with accessibility features. Find out more below!
‘The Nature of Things’: learn about Carlito Carvalhosa’s career
Curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas, Daniel Rangel and Lúcia K. Stumpf, the exhibition will be an unprecedented retrospective of Carlito Carvalhosa’s work. To this end, it brings together various installations by the artist – who died in 2021, aged 59 – as well as documents, notes and models.
Immersive in nature, the exhibition makes the works seem to merge into the setting of Sesc Pompeia, whose wide, sinuous architecture was designed by Lina Bo Bardi. This creates an intersection between art and real life, further immersing the viewer in the experience.
Highlights of the exhibition
One of the artist’s most famous works is Sala de Espera (Waiting Room), which was first exhibited in 2013 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in São Paulo. The installation features several discarded wooden poles, which once served for urban lighting, laid out horizontally in such a way as to create a kind of labyrinth.
In addition, Faço Tudo Para Não Fazer Nada, Linha de Sombra and Imaterialidade (photo) will be available. As well as the fiberglass mold that led the artist to compose Já Estava Assim Quando Chegguei, a huge plaster mountain available at Sesc Guarulhos.