The show ‘Elvis – A Musical Revolution’ opens this Thursday, the 1st. With Leandro Lima in the lead role, this is the national version of the only authorized musical biography about the musician’s life, telling his journey to fame.
The play runs until December 1st at Teatro Santander (Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 2041). Tickets cost from R$19.50 to R$380 and are available on the official website or at the theater box office. Check it out!
What to expect from ‘Elvis – A Musical Revolution’?
According to director Miguel Falabella, ‘Elvis – A Musical Revolution’ promises “a mind-blowing journey mapping one of rock’s most iconic legends”. As such, the plot will portray all the delirium of the city of Las Vegas, which was the stage for the star’s fame and decline.
In the lead role, Leandro Lima recalls that from the first time he saw an Elvis Presley performance, he was enchanted by the artist’s stage presence. Now his challenge is to recreate this on stage, bringing to life one of the greatest musicians of all time.
With iconic performances and stunning sets, the musical also features great Presley songs on its soundtrack , such as ‘Jailhouse Rock’, ‘Love Me Tender’ and ‘Suspicious Minds’. Get ready to sing along with the artists!
The cast includes Luiz Fernando Guimarães as Colonel Parker, the manager who banned Elvis from performing outside the United States, Fabiana Gugli and Caru Truzzi as Gladys and Priscilla Presley, respectively. In addition, actor Daniel Haidar alternates the lead role with Leandro Lima, on dates announced in the the show’s social networks.